Ministries: Serve Our Church


  • Serving primarily at the Sunday 10:30 service, acolytes participate in a variety of ways. These include crucifer, torch bearer, offering, and Eucharist tasks.

    The acolytes are instrumental in helping the services to run smoothly. This ministry is open to those ages eight and up. Contact Deacon Susi Roessler,

  • The duty of the Altar Guild is to prepare all things necessary for the conduct and celebration of public worship at St. James. Members are responsible for maintaining linens and all accouterments for the Eucharist for both Sunday services as well as funerals and weddings.

    Volunteers work out their own schedule, setting up on Saturday. Cleanup is done immediately after each service.

    All brass and silver and all linens are shined/ironed by the Altar Guild volunteers. Volunteers, both men and women, are always needed and welcomed. Contact Bonnie Klinect,

  • The Bread Bakers serve the parishioners and guests of St. James by providing homemade bread that is part of Holy Communion.  Presently, three team members take turns baking the bread at home and delivering the little rustic loaves to the church Saturday afternoon or early Sunday morning.  We are not professional bakers!  Instead, we are people who seek to serve through the simple act of baking the bread that becomes so much more than just bread.  If you’re interested in joining The Bread Bakers or in hearing more about this new ministry, Contact Frances Daniel,

  • Music is an important part of worship at St. James. The choir sings each Sunday, September through May, at the 10:30am service. We are an all-volunteer group; no auditions required—just a love of singing. We’re a friendly group and are always on the lookout for new voices. Speak to any member or the director. The choir also is integral to special services throughout the year. Contact Mary Lauren Keeny,

  • The Flower Guild is responsible for placing flowers on the altar each Sunday, year-round, and for arranging flowers for various parish functions, such as picnics, the Bishop’s visit, and baptisms. The Guild works very hard on holidays, such as Christmas and Easter, to make St. James special for members and visitors.

    Our annual Flower Festival embraces many in the Church doing all kinds of tasks together. Anyone interested in flower arranging is invited to join us. Our group is comprised of both men and women, and we have a great time together. Contact Betsy Elsas,

  • Eucharistic Ministers help the priest at the altar and help serve communion. Any member of the Episcopal Church in good standing is eligible to be trained; this position is licensed by the Bishop. Contact Bonnie Klinect,

  • Lectors are approved by the rector to read the Lessons and Psalms, along with the Prayers of the People. Contact Bonnie Klinect,

  • Liturgical arts are an important part of worship at St. James. The clergy vestments, paraments for the altar and lectern and banners were made by members of the congregation. We are always looking for suggestions for new art and gratefully accept any help creating them. Contact Jackie Tatum,

  • The Pastoral Care Team supports the health needs and safety issues of our congregation and community. Members work under the direction of the parish nurse, learning about medical situations and how to respond. Health information sessions and classes are offered to the parish throughout the year. Members visit parishioners and friends living in residential facilities and hospitals who need help, offering conversation, prayer, and assistance with referrals.

               Kathy Booker 706-782-9203

  • Serving at all services, Ushers welcome and greet everyone entering the church, providing them with service bulletins and assisting them, if needed, to find a seat. They assist during the service by collecting the offering and greeting newcomers at the end of the service. Contact Bonnie Klinect,

  • The Worship Planning Committee does exactly what the title suggests. They review the past few month’s Sundays, any special services based on the church calendar, and plan for upcoming worships.

    We discuss protocols, what’s coming, what needs to change or what we should be aware of all to the glory of God. The Priest-in-Charge, Music Director, and various lay people are involved. We meet approximately 6-8 times a year. Contact Susi Roessler, or Bonnie Klinect,

Outside of Worship

  • The Communications Committee oversees all activity as it relates to distribution of St. James news. This includes emails through Constant Contact; the Messenger weekly newsletter; website; Facebook; Instagram; Zoom; Parish Directory; local newspaper; and news magazine.

    It also includes the bulletin board in the Parish Hall, and the TV screens found in the Narthex and the Parish Hall. Contact Ginny Heckel,

  • The Daughters of the King (DOK) is an order of women dedicated to a life of prayer, service, and evangelism. We have made a commitment to Jesus as our Savior, and we follow Him as Lord of our lives.

    We welcome new members. DOK members are communicants of the Episcopal Church, churches in communion with it, or churches in the Historic Episcopate. Today our membership includes those in the Anglican, Episcopal, Lutheran (ELCA), and Roman Catholic churches. Contact Mary Flanigen,

  • Members of the Garden Guild are responsible for the 17 gardens on the church grounds. Along with the individual plant areas the gardens include a playground, labyrinth, pet cemetery, picnic area, and a Memorial Garden (professional care). All gardens continue to develop, grow, and change as they mature with the seasons.

    All members help when there are projects, special events, and/or general maintenance to be done.

    If you are interested in sharing your talents with other kindred spirits, learning about plant care, and would like to play in the church gardens setting, there is definitely a spot for you! Contact Kathy Booker,

  • The Pastoral Care Team helps support the health needs and safety issues of the congregation. The focus is on health, disease prevention, and spiritual well-being—integrating physical, emotional and spiritual components, in our parish as well as extending into the larger community where appropriate.

    The Team does not diagnose, treat, or provide direct hands-on nursing care. However, assistance is provided in getting those things done. The Team is composed of volunteers who have an interest in health issues. They receive special training in working with others, identifying problem areas. and helping find available resources. The group works under the direction of the Parish Nurse. Contact Kathy Booker,

  • The Stewardship Committee designs and oversees the annual stewardship program. It works with the congregation to shape our personal response to God’s generosity in the way we share our resources of time, talent, and money. Contact Linda Sanders,