
The gardens were redesigned and developed in conjunction with the expansion and renovation of the Church in 2014. The work in the Sanctuary, East and Memorial Gardens was designed and installed by Groth Gardeners. The Dry River Bed Garden was designed, installed and donated by Annie Westermann. All other gardens were created by volunteers who love to work and play in the dirt. Members of the Garden Guild maintain the gardens throughout the year. We hope you will enjoy wandering through the St. James campus to enjoy our gardens.

The Sanctuary Garden

This garden is located in the front of the church and extends around the west side of the building.  It is filled with Hinoki cypress, hydrangeas, pieris, sasanquas, and beds of perennial and annual flowers.  The shrubs complement the stained glass windows while the cutting flowers provide color,   texture and a variety of garden flowers. A circular driveway bed dressed with dwarf nandinas and  seasonal plantings leads to the front entrance.

The Dry River Bed Garden

This unique feature in front of the church off of Warwoman Road, was designed, installed, and donated by Annie Westermann, landscaper and    parishioner. The design artfully and  beautifully channels water drainage through the garden. Numerous hosta plants and vinca are located in the area. Other donations of spring bulbs, Japanese maples, and dogwood trees have been added to help maintain an informal and rustic atmosphere.

Cutting and Herb Garden

Two corners comprise this area located on the west end of the Parish Hall and also along the driveway entering the lower parking area. The corner beside the Parish Hall contains numerous herbs, and the cutting flowers are planted in the driveway corner. These will be used for arrangements created by the Flower Guild.

The Shirley Cheatham Memorial Garden

Located in front of the main entrance is the oldest garden area on the property. It was installed in 1987 and honors numerous parishioners who have died through the years. A corner water feature provides the sound of water falling among the trees, Mondo grass, ferns, and beautiful flowers. It is the only professionally maintained garden on the property.

The Labyrinth Garden

The labyrinth has been on the church grounds for several decades. It was disassembled during the 2014 renovation to provide additional parking space. Parishioners reconstructed the labyrinth during the renovation process, and it now rests beneath a large poplar tree in a quiet nook above the Hillside Garden. It is open to the community, providing a space for a moment of silence, reflection, and/or prayer.

The East Garden

The stone steps of the garden lead from the Lower Entrance Garden to the left front of the Church, the Memorial Garden and the Playground Garden. The recycled rubber path curves between azaleas, arborvitae, and a fescue sod green space which covers the area between the Church and the Memorial Garden. This site was donated in honor of Father Steve Hall by his family. This garden was designed for guests attending interment services in the Memorial Garden and to offer access to the playground for the community.

The Hillside Garden

Located on the east parking area, the hillside is filled with daylilies. This colorful array was made possible by a donation from a local daylily grower.


You’re invited to walk through the gardens and sit a spell.